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来源:未知 作者:zhangjiaoyan

      Chinese essential culture training in IBM




IBM将于2009年推出新的软件产品,它将融入东方传统文化理念,更好地迎合中国消费者的使用习惯,促进其本土化形象的全面升级,于是,IBM2008 1211日在位于北京东四环的星河湾会馆举办了“IBM智慧有源-创新无界”见面会活动。此次活动中,特地邀请了中国国学管理顾问、清华大学EMBA客座教授、国际国学应用顾问、中国现代姓名学创始人之一、先知中国创始人思翰老师作为“国学”专题讲座的讲师,在座均是来自各界媒体的代表及IBM中高层管理人员,活动在一片热烈的氛围中展开。

在当天的讲座中,思翰教授从“”“自强不息”“厚德载物”“中庸天地之性,人为贵等中国传统文化理念入手,对 IBM智慧与创新的品牌理念进行了中国式解读,也为IBM在中国的发展找到了更为深厚的文化源头。




       As world’s largest transnational information industry company, as well as computer manufacturing and selling company, IBM has business covered over 160 countries and areas, and over 300,000 employees. IBM always lead the development of global informational industry by unprecedented tech logies, excellent management and unique products, which has almost reached all-directional demands on information processing for clients in different professions from all over the world. IBM positively build the enterprise culture which is regarding the strengthening of services as the core values, with relying on “three guiding principles”(first, respect and humanity; second, customer and services; third, pursue and performance) to improve enterprise’ s central competitiveness, in order to be the “Big Blue” in computer sector.

       In 1969, Apollo spacecraft carrying with 3 astronauts landed on the moon for the first time; in 1981, the Space Shuttle Columbia successfully launched into space, the two historical space flies are filled with IBM’s unparalleled wisdom. Furthermore, IBM made visible success in eco my. IBM ranged 62 in Fortune Global 500 in 2014, its annual operating revenue is 16,604 billion dollars.

       IBM projected to release its new software products in 2009, while integrating eastern traditional culture ideas in the products to better met with Chinese customers’ habits and promoted the overall upgrade of its localization. Therefore, IBM launched its opening meeting “IBM Wisdom sourced-In vation floating” on December, 11st in 2008 at Star River Hall, Beijing. The meeting has invited Professor Sihan to be the lecturer on the ic of “Chinese culture”. He is management expert of Chinese studies, EMBA visiting professor in Tsinghua University, world famous Chinese studies application expert, also one of the founders of Chinese modern anthroponymy and founder of Wewin China.

       The presented are famous media’s representatives around the world and IBM’s middle and senior managements, the speech was started in a warm atmosphere. On the lecture, Professor Sihan proceed with Chinese traditional cultural methods like“nature and man unites as one”, “ strive to be stronger”, “great virtue promotes growth”, “moderation” and “Among the nature of heaven and earth, humanity is the most precious.”, etc. He explained IBM’s wise and in vate brand methods in a Chinese way, also found out the most profound culture origins for IBM’s development in China.

      Professor Sihan also mentioned the influence of new tech logies in brand marketing. In his opinion, in wadays informational tech logy ages, tech logy has t only changed merchants’ marketing methods, strategies and management, but also evocable changed the customers’ purchasing activities. The brand information is rapidly changing in the 21st century, tech logy marketing born and rapidly developed under this background. Tech logy marketing helps merchants ingeniously apply “information” and “tech logy” on marketing, in order to improve marketing efficiency. The speech reached climaxes when Professor Sihan perfectly combined the essence of brand marketing with the ideas IBM’s new products want to revealed together, while let the audiences feel the charm of Chinese traditional culture. After the lecture, Professor Wang interacted with audiences positively, replied all the questions asked, the atmosphere was active.



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