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来源:未知 作者:zhangjiaoyan










中国银行是中国国际化和多元化程度更高的银行,在中国内地、香港、澳门、台湾及37个 国家为客户提供全面的金融服务。主要经营商业银行业务,包括公司金融业务、个人金融业务和金融市场业务。在一百多年的发展历程中,中国银行始终秉承追求的精神,将爱国爱民作为办行之魂,将诚信至上作为立行之本,将改革创新作为强行之路,将以人为本作为兴行之基,树立了的品牌形象,得到了业界和客户的广泛认可和赞誉。



不仅如此,思翰教授还为中国银行进行品牌检查与评估,重点针对管理者行为素质要求、角色认知、团 队建设与管理、授权技巧、沟通与协调、激励与魅力提升、正确理解上级意图、形势分析、现场沟通技巧与表达力、增强应变能力和敏感度、管理,职业生涯规划等 内容进行培训。在此期间,思翰教授在品牌战略创新、品牌空间设计以及企业文化塑建等方面进行了严谨而系统的分析与论述。思翰老师前瞻深刻的品牌观以及广博 宏远的文化观使令在场观众眼前一亮;不仅如此,思翰老师把品牌整合设计的观念与当前国内银行在服务企业“走出去”过程中遇到的实际问题相结合,其中不乏精 彩论述。




       China Bank is China’s most international and diversified bank, it offered overall financial services for customers in China’s mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other 37 countries. Its business mainly covered corporation financial services, personal financial business and financial marketing business. In the developing history for more than 1,00 years, China Bank always insist on the pursuing for excellence, regard patriotism of state and compatriots as the spirit of the bank, honest come first as the base, in vation as the developing path andhumanity as the flourishing foundation. It build up a remarkable brand identity, while achieving clients’ wide recognition and compliments in the industry.

       In order to promote China Bank’s new business development while enriching the value-added services of middle and senior clients, also to further improve the brand identity of China Bank’s fortune management while practicing local fortune management’s professional brand, China Bank held “The speech on Chinese culture’s wisdom and team building”.

       Professor Sihan ,as management expert of Chinese studies, EMBA visiting professor in Tsinghua University, world famous Chinese studies application expert, also one of the founders of Chinese modern anthroponymy, chairman of International Architecture Culture Association and founder of Wewin China, was invited to be the guest speaker, he made the subject on “Feng Shui with Fortune- Promote Chinese Culture’s Wisdom”, he made the point by talking about “self, moral, spiritual and wisdom cultivation”, his speech is unique and k wledgeable, his words as “Chinese traditional culture has a long history, it is broad and profound, playing an illuminating role in sectors of our life,while still playing its special charm. Chinese culture is a subject in researching traditional Chinese culture, it’s the key of learning how the universe works when we research traditional Chinese culture, it’s a subject in understanding the objective laws of world’s development. Learning Chinese culture, correctly grasp and apply Chinese traditional culture, it will help us a lot in future’s life and work.” Professor Sihan lead the clients to feel the mysterious charm of Chinese culture together and further understand Chinese culture, his lively and humorous speech style has won the consistent approval of the clients.

       Furthermore, Professor Sihan conducted brand examination and assessment for China Bank, mainly focus on the training of requests for manager’s behavior, role cognition of leaders, team construction and management, authorized tech logies, communication and coordination, encouragement and attractiveness promotion, correctly understand superior leaders’ intention, situation analysis, scene communication and expression skills, improve flexibility and sensitiveness, professional career plans and so on. During the speech, Professor Sihan made rigorous and systemic discourse analysis on brand strategic in vation, brand space identity design and enterprise culture construction, etc. Professor Sihan brighten the audience for his view on his Wewinic brand view and extensive culture outlook, moreover, Professor Sihan combine brand integrate design with practical problems that local banks met in the process of “go out the service industry”, all these made his speech remarkable.

       During the speech, audience showed strong interest in enterprise culture, brand idea and Chinese culture, and they positively interacted with Sihan, the draw at the scene was more actively.


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